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under the environmental shock, where is the printing and dyeing and chemical plant going? -ag尊龙凯时

2018/6/1 21:13:13 commentaries browse class:company news

after june, another big wave price increase notice came! the most important trigger for this price increase comes from the remediation of the chemical park.
in late april 2018, with the exposure of chemical plants in the lianyungang area of jiangsu province, it was exposed, which led to the great attention of the central government and jiangsu. at present, focusing on the chemical industry and chemical industry parks, a new round of environmental remediation actions has been launched along the coastal areas along the yangtze river. directly led to the soaring costs of dyes, dyeing auxiliaries, etc., the printing and dyeing industry has repeatedly fallen into the state of dyeing dyes.

in the 1990s, the construction and development of china's chemical parks began. according to the latest statistics of the chemical industry park working committee of the china petrochemical federation, as of the end of 2017, there were 601 industrial parks in key national chemical parks or oil and chemical industries.

according to the internet public information at the end of 2016, after searching and sorting out the chemical plant relocation in 50 cities across the country for nearly 15 years, a list of more than 700 chemical plants was relocated. more than 88% of the 503 chemical plants with clear information on the new site have moved into the industrial park.

today, it is an official and private consensus that chemical plants move away from densely populated urban areas and move into industrial parks. in theory, the establishment of a large number of industrial parks can more effectively undertake the relocation of urban chemical companies, but at the same time there are still some problems that cannot be ignored:

1. halfway through 2018, “entering the zone into the park” and environmental protection standards have become the bottom line for every printing and dyeing and chemical enterprise. a supply-side reform to eliminate backward production capacity, transformation and upgrading, and green sustainable development officially kicked off. on the other hand, the overall closure of printing and dyeing and chemical industry areas is also intensifying! according to incomplete statistics, by the end of 2018, the number of chemical parks is expected to decrease by more than 100. under the contradiction between the two, is it possible for all chemical companies that require the relocation of the government to find a counterpart industrial park? will the entry threshold of the industrial park block some of the chemical, printing and dyeing enterprises that have the demand for admission?

2. looking back at the development of chemical parks in the past 10 years, shutting down is not a case. according to incomplete statistics, since 2007, four chemical districts have been delisted as a whole, and chemical companies in qianjia park have been shut down. along with this is the rising tide of raw materials such as silicone, pta, dyes, resins, mdi, and propylene oxide. many varieties are even out of stock, and the production line is closed directly downstream. what is the impact of these sharp shutdowns?

towns and towns have industrial parks

the relocation of chemical plants and the construction of industrial parks are related actions.

the rise of industrial parks was related to the entry of a large number of multinational companies into china in the 1990s, and it first appeared in the jiangsu and zhejiang provinces with the highest degree of openness. after 2000, with the further advancement of the country's policy of “retreating two into three” and “retreating into the city”, the construction speed of industrial parks has also accelerated significantly. by the end of 2015, there were 502 industrial parks in key national chemical parks or oil and chemical industries, and in various townships far from urban areas, there were countless industrial parks.

from the statistics of various cities, the number of industrial parks in old industrial cities such as qingdao and wuhan is relatively large. especially in wuhan, many important chemical companies are located in the urban area. when planning the industrial park, the government has laid out seven different industrial parks in the suburbs for different types of enterprises to sit in the same place. in 2008, the chemical industry zone in the northeastern part of wuhan was formally established. in the same year, many enterprises such as wuhan organic chemical plant and shuanghu coatings decided to relocate. by 2015, with the relocation of the last chemical plant in the urban area, wuhan has finally completed the goal of no chemical industry within the third ring road.

a city's industrial park is planned around the city, but also under the jurisdiction of counties, cities and towns. based on the statistics of the relocation of the chemical plant, it can be found that the number of chemical plants relocated to the township industrial park under the jurisdiction of the chemical industry accounted for 90% of the total.

relatively speaking, urban industrial parks and township industrial parks have certain differences in safety facilities and regulatory thresholds. this also affects the choice of the direction of relocation of chemical companies of different sizes and nature.

according to the “eye of the eyes” information, 443 chemical plants that were moved to industrial parks were classified according to the nature of the company. from the results, it can be seen that the proportion of private enterprises is the largest regardless of whether they are moved around the city or the industrial parks under the jurisdiction of townships. however, the proportion of state-owned or state-controlled enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises relocated to industrial parks around the city is higher than that of moving to township industrial parks.

in the past ten years, many places in the country have successively proposed and implemented the strategy of “establishing a city by industry and revitalizing the city”. try to seize the development opportunities by constructing a platform to undertake the gradient transfer of industrial capital at home and abroad. in order to realize the so-called “building a nest and attracting phoenix”, some localities and towns are required to plan to construct an industrial park (industrial concentration area) and include this in the scope of the township party committee government leadership team and its members' performance evaluation. such a "big dry up" will inevitably lead to the government's relaxation of the review and supervision of the relocated chemical plant, which will undoubtedly create new hidden dangers.

construction before the planning, take a detour to reshuffle

as we all know, the high output value and high taxation of the chemical industry are the pillars of gdp and fiscal revenue in many regions. however, under the prosperity of the “township and township chemical park”, the “short-sight effect” in planning has gradually emerged.

unlike wuhan, a city that attaches great importance to the chemical industry, some cities did not carry out detailed planning at the beginning of the construction of the industrial park, nor did they formulate relevant norms. the threshold for the construction of industrial parks was very low, and many projects were rushed. lack of pre-planning, environmental protection, and various aspects of the law have led to the situation that many places have a wall surrounded by a wall and are known as industrial parks. in some prefecture-level cities, there are more than ten chemical parks in one city, and more than 10 chemical parks in one county.

however, the industrial parks established by this kind of grass can only provide enterprises with basic facilities such as water and electricity, and it is difficult to achieve the synergy effect of “1 1>2”. what is worse is that some industrial parks do not have the capability of sewage disposal, fire fighting, emergency disposal, and environmental protection requirements. it is often not up to standard, and even serial safety accidents may occur. the existence of such an industrial park undoubtedly brings endless troubles to the surrounding areas.

in 2015, the "8 ̇ 12" explosion in tianjin port exposed the chaos of china's chemical industry management, which sounded a wake-up call to industrial parks everywhere. at the end of the 15th year, the ministry of industry and information technology requested that all localities re-scientificly formulate the development plan of the park from the aspects of urban and rural, ecological and environmental protection. many provinces began to “recalculate” the chemical industry and the park.

at the beginning of may 16th, shandong province released data that there are 9069 chemical production enterprises in the province, accounting for 63% of the scale; there are 199 chemical parks, and the enrollment rate of chemical enterprises is 32.8%. in the industrial park, 651 chemical production enterprises have been closed, and 2,157 enterprises have been ordered to rectify.

in january of this year, jiangsu province, the second largest province of china's chemical industry, issued the “implementation plan for the relocation and renovation of hazardous chemicals production enterprises in urban population-intensive areas in jiangsu province” (hereinafter referred to as the “program”). according to the "proposal", by 2025, the existing hazardous oil production enterprises in urban densely populated areas that do not meet the safety and health protection distance requirements will be upgraded to the standard or relocated into the designated chemical parks or closed down, and the safety and environmental risks of enterprises will be greatly reduced. . the "proposal" requires that before the end of march 2018, all districts and cities will complete the survey and evaluate the list of chemical parks (concentrated areas) that can be accepted by the province. before the end of june 2018, each district and city will report and relocate. renovation of the action plan; before the end of december 2018, small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises with major risks and hidden dangers all started the relocation and transformation, completed before the end of 2020 (completed before the end of 2018); other large enterprises and large enterprises before the end of 2020 the relocation and transformation will be initiated and completed by the end of 2025.

the industrial park is picking up the door, where is the polluting company going?

although the relocation of chemical plants to the city has long been the trend of the times, in the process of relocation, xiaobian found that some of the fish that had slipped through the net did not move to the industrial park. this has to start with the gradual regulation of environmental protection requirements of industrial parks by national policies.

at the beginning of the last century, when the policy of “retreating into the city” began to rise, various places actively invested in the construction of industrial parks. however, in many industrial parks, the management of environmental protection was very loose and could not reach the standard.

with the gradual acceleration of environmental governance, the country's environmental protection requirements for industrial parks have become more and more rigorous, leading to more and strict control of the environmental protection level of enterprises entering the park. for example, of the 33 projects that were blocked by yangzhou chemical industry park in 2011, 23 projects were rejected due to environmental protection.

the improvement of the environmental protection threshold of the industrial park is undoubtedly beneficial to its own optimization. however, from another perspective, the role of the industrial park in absorbing high-pollution enterprises cannot be fully exerted, and these heavy-duty enterprises that even the chemical industrial park dare not want to move to outside the park, will it pose a threat to the living environment of residents near the new site?

haotian chemical of guangzhou's key chemical enterprises is such an example. in 2006, haotian chemical was seriously polluted, and the hidden danger was quite large. the two chemical parks were not allowed to accept the two, and they could not successfully enter the park. in the end, the yangjiang government actively promoted the establishment of yangtian in yangtian in the voice of opposition from the residents.

moving the suburbs to move outside the city, the city expansion "drives" the factory

perhaps just as the young people who worked hard in the first-tier cities “escaped from the north to the wide”, the living space of the chemical plants in the first-tier cities has become smaller and smaller, and they have to move to the city.

among the top ten companies in the chemical industry moving to the outside market, the first-tier city “bei guangshen” occupied three seats. in fact, the relocation of chemical plants in beijing started very early. in 2004, beijing first proposed the concept of building a “livable city”. the following year, it decided to relocate the chemical plants in the urban area to the fifth ring. today, the famous southeast suburbs of beijing chemical district has become the center of the cbd, surrounded by high-end shopping malls and residential buildings.

the urban positioning of metropolises is no longer an "industrial city". "high-precision" is their future development direction. on the other hand, the first-tier cities are so expensive that the higher the house prices, the more difficult it is to satisfy commercial and residential land. the space is reserved for the chemical industry, which has a large area, serious pollution, and low efficiency.

facts have proved that moving a chemical plant to the periphery of a city can only be a temporary solution. beijing's urbanization development rate is too fast. in less than a few years, the new factory sites around the chemical plant have been built, and the newly settled enterprises have to move out again, and settled in shijiazhuang and handan.

in fact, changing the angle may explain why the chemical plant has been moving to the periphery of the city, but the predicament of the "chemical besieged city" has not been cured.

with the development of the urban economy and the explosion of the population, the surrounding area of the old city must not only undertake the immigration of the chemical plant, but also accept the oversaturated population in the urban area. sometimes it is obvious that the chemical plant first came, the residents came later, the township changed the city, but it was detained the name of “chemical besieged city”; sometimes even the chemical plant moved into it activated the local economy, and then formed a population gathering area. it has evolved into a situation in which residents are "to be neighbors with poison." these situations are not so much a "chemical besieged city", but rather a "chengwei chemical".

however, from a practical point of view, whether it is "chemical besieged city" or "chengwei chemical", the emergence of chemical plant safety problems and the lack of "safety protection distance" are inseparable.

in short, it is to stipulate how far a company with security risks should be from a densely populated and heavily populated location. as a high-risk industry, the chemical industry should also have strict and clear safety protection distance specifications.

xiao bian said: environmental storm is both a challenge and an opportunity. in fact, printing and dyeing chemical companies need policy guidance and support. simply shutting down enterprises, abolishing the park, or changing the positioning of the park is “blocking”. what we need more is “sparse” – adjust structure, transfer mode, optimize process route, and take the road of circular development.

some time ago, the "chip" crisis is still in sight. printing and dyeing and chemical industry as the basic industry are not only big but also strong, this is the real responsibility of our printing and dyeing and chemical people!


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